Beatles – (White Album) completo


Beatles – (White Album) completo

2Lp`s Discos y Portadas EX+ a NM, numerado + Gatefold + Poster individuales de los miembros + Poster grande + Obi + Insert


Apple Records – EAS-77001•2


ザ・ビートルズ = The Beatles – 10


2 x Vinilo, LP, Album, Numbered, Reissue, Stereo




5 jun 1976




Rock & Roll, Pop Rock, Psychedelic Rock, Experimental
A1Back In The U.S.S.R. = バック・イン・ザ・U.S.S.R.Written-By – Lennon-McCartney
A2Dear Prudence = ディア・プルーデンスWritten-By – Lennon-McCartney
A3Glass Onion = グラス・オニオンWritten-By – Lennon-McCartney
A4Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da = オブ・ラ・ディ、オブ・ラ・ダWritten-By – Lennon-McCartney
A5Wild Honey Pie = ワイルド・ハニー・パイWritten-By – Lennon-McCartney
A6The Continuing Story Of Bungalow Bill = コンティニューイング・ストーリー・オブ・バンガロウ・ビルWritten-By – Lennon-McCartney
A7While My Guitar Gently Weeps = ホワイル・マイ・ギター・ジェントリー・ウィープスGuitar [Uncredited] – Eric ClaptonWritten-By – G. Harrison*
A8Happiness Is A Warm Gun = ハッピネス・イズ・ア・ウォーム・ガンWritten-By – Lennon-McCartney
B1Martha My Dear = マーサ・マイ・ディアWritten-By – Lennon-McCartney
B2I'm So Tired = アイム・ソー・タイアードWritten-By – Lennon-McCartney
B3Blackbird = ブラックバードWritten-By – Lennon-McCartney
B4Piggies = ピッギーズWritten-By – G. Harrison*
B5Rocky Raccoon = ロッキー・ラックーンWritten-By – Lennon-McCartney
B6Don't Pass Me By = ドント・パス・ミー・バイWritten-By – R. Starkey*
B7Why Don't We Do It In The Road = ホワイ・ドント・ウィー・ドゥ・イット・イン・ザ・ロードWritten-By – Lennon-McCartney
B8I Will = アイ・ウィルWritten-By – Lennon-McCartney
B9Julia = ジュリアWritten-By – Lennon-McCartney
C1Birthday = バースデイWritten-By – Lennon-McCartney
C2Yer Blues = ヤー・ブルースWritten-By – Lennon-McCartney
C3Mother Nature's Son = マザー・ネイチャーズ・サンWritten-By – Lennon-McCartney
C4Everybody's Got Something To Hide Except Me And My Monkey = エブリボディーズ・ゴット・サムシング・トゥ・ハイド・エクセプト・ミー・アンド・マイ・モンキーWritten-By – Lennon-McCartney
C5Sexy Sadie = セクシー・セディーWritten-By – Lennon-McCartney
C6Helter Skelter = ヘルター・スケルターWritten-By – Lennon-McCartney
C7Long, Long, Long = ロング・ロング・ロングWritten-By – G. Harrison*
D1Revolution 1 = レボリューション1Written-By – Lennon-McCartney
D2Honey Pie = ハニー・パイWritten-By – Lennon-McCartney
D3Savoy Truffle = サボイ・トラッフルWritten-By – G. Harrison*
D4Cry, Baby, Cry = クライ・ベイビー・クライWritten-By – Lennon-McCartney
D5Revolution 9 = レボリューション9Written-By – Lennon-McCartney
D6Good Night = グッド・ナイトWritten-By – Lennon-McCartney
  • Copyright © – Northern Songs Ltd.
  • Copyright © – Apple Records
  • Fabricado por – Toshiba EMI Ltd
  • Artwork [Uncredited] – Richard Hamilton
  • Engineer [Uncredited] – Chris Thomas, Geoff Emerick, Ken Scott
  • Liner Notes [対訳] – 吉成伸幸* (pistas: A2, A3, A5, A6, A8 to C5, C7 to D4, D6), 落流鳥 (pistas: A1, A4, A7)
  • Liner Notes [解説] – 吉成伸幸*
  • Photography By [Uncredited] – John Kelly (5)
  • Producer, Orchestrated By – George Martin
Manufactured by Toshiba-EMI Ltd., Japan
The copies are numbered on the front individually to each copy and imprinted 'No A 000000'.
Includes lyric sheet, four idol-photos of each member and a poster with pictures on one side, and lyrics in English on the opposite.

Durations on the insert are incorrect and add up cumulatively across the side.

Japanese lyric translations are included for all tracks except for:
[C4] "Everbody's Got Something To Hide Except Me And My Monkey" (Incomplete translation)
[C6] "Helter Skelter" (対訳不能 = Unable to translate)
[D5] "Revolution 9" 

Japanese Industrial Standards symbol 〄 appears in the runouts.
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